The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police has only one mission when serving the public: “To encourage fraternal, charitable, and social activities among law enforcement officers. To increase the efficiency of the law enforcement profession, and thus more firmly establish the confidence of the public in the service dedicated to the protection of life and property.”
The Illinois State Lodge, chartered in 1963, is run by a highly dedicated Board of Trustees and staff who are committed to elevating the law enforcement profession, protecting members’ rights, promoting fraternalism, and raising the value of membership. The FOP serves as the national and state legislative voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving others. In addition, ILFOP members benefit from a variety of FOP programs and services, including legal defense, accidental death and disability insurance, peer support, education scholarships, chaplaincy, education and training, and much more.
The Illinois State Lodge, chartered in 1963, is run by a highly dedicated Board of Trustees and staff who are committed to elevating the law enforcement profession, protecting members’ rights, promoting fraternalism, and raising the value of membership. The FOP serves as the national and state legislative voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving others. In addition, ILFOP members benefit from a variety of FOP programs and services, including legal defense, accidental death and disability insurance, peer support, education scholarships, chaplaincy, education and training, and much more.
Copyright © 2023, Spoon River Valley Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #427. All rights reserved.